A Message From WALL
WALL is a outdoor wildnerness experience for older campers who want to deepen their relationship with the great outdoors and develop relevant skills. Advisors and 8-10 campers embark on day long hiking trips and learn the fundamentals of proper climbing and belaying techniques, to explore the significance of mind-body connection, and of course have fun outdoors! Together we’ll build a week of camp that upholds “challenge by choice” and fosters both campers’ and advisors’ self-confidence in what they are capable of accomplishing, physically and otherwise. WALL was the first ever UniCamp OCP program dating back to 1985 and is continuing its tradition of wilderness adventures!

In Support of UCLA UniCamp
UCLA UniCamp is the official student charity of the University of California, Los Angeles. UniCamp operates as an independently funded non-profit organization linking the University with the community. Each year, UniCamp inspires nearly 1,000 children from underserved families to envision brighter futures by sending them, along with 400 student volunteers, to its residential outdoor summer camp.