A Message From Jo Huang
Dear family and friends,
I’m so excited to volunteer as a counselor in the Unicamp village session this summer! The session’s theme is to empower African American teenagers to challenge themselves to achieve in academics and life.
Unicamp is a week-long summer camp that brings kids 8-17 from low income families to the San Bernardino Mountains to hang out with their big college friends(AKA US VOLUNTEERS). We are a group of kids-at-hearts who wants to empower the kids in our own ways. We are counsolers(AKA MOM&DADS) who take care of the daily living of the kids and share their simplest joy as well as mentoring them on overcoming the personal diffculties they bring to the camp. We are also activity specialists(AKA COOL AUNTIES&AUNCLES)who take the kids to cycling, climbing, archery, dancing, singing, arts and crafts, skits omg so many. And all together, we create activities tailored to my session theme--empowering African American kids to success in life.
Our kids are from The Village Nation, an org that holds academic and college preparation prorgams for Afrio-American kids. In the camp, we will incorporate as many African cultural knowledge and awareness as possible in the activities.
I would really appreciate it if you could support by donating ANY AMOUNT or just sharing the page! The $500 will go directly towards supporting one kid to go to the camp. This camp has changed lives and kids keep coming back each year. Not like the old campers and counselors, this is my first year and I don't know what’s gonna happen, but reading through the campers’ stories, this is my favorite:
and there are even are more amazing ones here: http://biffebreeze.com
Through my involvement in ResLife and various volunteering since coming to UCLA, I have really developed a passion of being of service and caring for people. I really want to do something for the kids and bring my positiveness to them. And that wouldn't be able to happen without your support!
give effect requires a paypal, for convenience you can also send it to my venmo https://venmo.com/Joe-Huang, and I will add that to this page.
Much thanks and woodsey love,
Jo “Ollie” Huang

In Support of UCLA UniCamp
UCLA UniCamp is the official student charity of the University of California, Los Angeles. UniCamp operates as an independently funded non-profit organization linking the University with the community. Each year, UniCamp inspires nearly 1,000 children from underserved families to envision brighter futures by sending them, along with 400 student volunteers, to its residential outdoor summer camp.